Using the sculpture Good News, 2023 consisting of sixteen dynamic microphones with pop filters arranged like a bouquet of flowers, the performance A press conference addresses themes of shame and guilt. As a spokesperson of the ‘department of shame and guilt management’ Matthieu Reijnoudt brings an important message: the department ran out of its storage capacity and is therefor unable to take in any more unlawfully owned shame or guilt. The department tries to find the lawful owners of the shame and guilt that is in their storage facilities to hand it over and create free space to take in unlawfully owned shame and guilt again. The representative is clearly stressed and overworked yet confident that everything will be okay soon. The clumsy and almost clownish manner the news is brought makes a man in a suit suddenly look harmless and endearing.

Video by Koen Kievits, performed at Wereldmuseum Amsterdam 2024
Pictures by Aad Hoogendoorn, performed at Art Rotterdam 2023


Bar Accu

